Saturday, 8 March 2014

Luke Buchanan: Volunteering His Time

Luke Buchanan has always been committed to donating his time to worthy causes. From his youngest years on, Luke Buchanan has taken time out from his own pursuits to spend time volunteering. It is a trait that has continued on into adulthood.

Luke Buchanan
Luke Buchanan first began to volunteer in Washington, D.C., where he grew up. His earliest experience was working with the Spanish Education Development Center. The center provides daycare for underprivileged children. Education, and getting an early start, is an integral part of growing up, and Luke Buchanan wants to do whatever he can to make sure each and every person, regardless of their social standing, is able to take advantage of America’s great education system.
The desire to keep volunteering his time only grew as Luke Buchanan became older. After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, Luke Buchanan began working with Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild its neighborhoods. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization dedicated to building simple, decent, and affordable housing. The experience with post-Katrina New Orleans may have helped spark Luke Buchanan’s interest in real estate.

Luke Buchanan knows that an education and a home are nothing if there is not a healthy planet to live on. This is why he spent time working with while he was in New Orleans going to school at Tulane University. is a global climate movement dedicated to lowering the planet’s carbon count to 350 parts per million.

Now that he’s living in Washington D.C. again, Luke Buchanan still volunteers his time. When he is not working, Luke Buchanan likes to give his time volunteering for various organizations. Presently, Luke Buchanan is a volunteer photographer for, a site to help good pets find good homes. Since animals are unable to help themselves, Luke Buchanan is happy to volunteer his time to help them. Luke Buchanan knows that volunteering time and even photography skills is the best way to give back. Volunteering, according to Luke Buchanan, is a great way to boost a resume and spend extra time.

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